Thursday, February 23, 2006

At Last

I have great happiness in sharing the following news: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is finally being released in Japan. Only nine sleeps till it is in theaters. I’ve been waiting (not always so patiently) but its almost here. The plans are to see it with a few my students, Steve, Tiffany, and Hitomi. It is still unclear if it has been dubbed into Japanese or there will be Japanese subtitles, either way I am going to see it. Though I would prefer to watch it in English, it would help with general comprehension and overall enjoyment.

When renting video it is always important to know if the videos has subtitles (therefore in the original language which 95% of the time is English) or has been dubbed. Normally you have to look on the side to see if the characters say "dubbed" or "subtitled". I can’t actually read the characters I’ve just learned to associate symbols with either "English" or "Japanese".

However tonight my "knowledge" was of no help. I picked up an older VHS (When Harry Met Sally because I’ve never seen it). The cover was discolored and the printing faded. Looked for the "this is English" characters on the spine -nothing. Searched the back and got very confused. After a few moments of staring blankly at the box in vain I decided to take action. This meant seeking the guidance of the friendly video store staff (who may or may not be able to speak a single word of English). Up until tonight I have avoided asking questions in the store out of fear and the confusion and frustration it might bright.

Trying to be brave I placed the box on the counter looked at the nearest worker and said, "Sumimasen (excuse me) Eigo (English?)" He picked up the box turned it over few times. Placed it down and looked at me very confused. Then the thought ran through my mind -Crap, I left my cell phone at the apartment. I can’t even call someone to help translate- then I started to laugh. Why not try again, "Eigo" (Jen, I forgot the desu ka). Only this time I made talking movements with my hands. He picked the box back up, looked a little less confused and said, "English version-toe". Yes, progress! He called a co-worker over talked in rapid Japanese (all Japanese sounds rapid to me). Turns out neither of them had a clue if it in English. There were a few other customers helped in the midst of this, so I just smiled and waited. Finally the second worker returned to the counter and said, "five minutes wait, please" He went upstairs, I think to the play the movie. He returned some time later with a smile handed me the video and proudly announced, "English". Success! After paying and receiving my movies I said "Arigato (thank you)" He said an English thank you. So for some reason said thank you again in English. As I walked out of the store I could hear the entire staff at the counter bursting out in fits of laughter.

Word Up: Arigato –Thank you. To be polite add gozaimasu at the end.


Xaven said...

I have that exact same post hanging on my wall right now... aside from it's not in Japanesse... and well... it's not exactly the same, but you get my drift.

Congrats on getting to see it in 9ish days, but don't forget, I saw it before it openned. ;)

Elizabeth said...

and you dear friend are a jerk for rubbing that in

Heather Durkee said...

Its great and you will enjoy it. Plus, I think the voice of Aslan sounds really cheesy so you might enjoy not understand it better.

Robin said...

It'll probably be English with Japanese subtitles. That's often the case. Though since it's aimed at kids it might not be...

Sween said...

It is definately characteristic of you to count lengths of days in terms of sleep(s).

I could have seen it before it opened, but I didn't stick around the same theatre Damien was in long enough to actually get in.

And I thought the lion was great, at least, not great so much as I WASN'T annoyed by his voice. He's a lion for goodness sake so any human voice he may have will sound uncharacteristic.

Anonymous said...

my 3 and 4 year old daughters count the length of things by sleeps as well :) lol Sounds like you made progress in the movie store, a little confidence in yourself and a great laugh for the staff.

jen said...

Have you seen it yet??

Elizabeth said...

Still not yet Jen...this coming Saturday. unless plans fall through its just four sleeps

Kirk said...

not to spoil it but the beavers kill everyone.

Elizabeth said...

Thanks Kirk good to know.

Sween, you're right and I think I will always mark time by sleeps. Its more fun.

Robin, I think you're right. There was a preview on last night and it was in English.

With the voice thing i think annoying could go either way.