Saturday, January 14, 2006

The Continued Chronicles of Ochej

Jen returned to Canada on January 7th and preschool resumed on the 10th. This week has been devoted to settling into the routine again, and now I am back with a blogging vengeance ready to recount the travels and adventures from the New Years break (it will take more then one post).

On, December 31st Jen and I set out on an epic quest to Namba, yes an epic quest. We were in search of the Body Shop, which I was sure I had seen on my previsions visit but no clue where or how to get back to it. The trip was an amusing experience; Namba is the heart of crazy Japanese fashion for the Osaka area. This time was my first real chance to window shop. I enjoyed reading the engrish t-shirts, stopping at Starbucks, and these loose-socks that are 150 cm long –crazy! There were a few purchases, the picture is of us sporting our new very japanese dresses. There was a also very competitive game of Spot-the-foreigner". Our combined total was 56, much better than my last score of 11. Proving once again this is a game for two or more people (or to earn a high score it’s best to play when the foreigners are out in droves). We eventually did find the Body Shop, yet sadly they no longer carry satsuma hand lotion. I had to settle for the lip-gloss.

Word Up: Akemashite omedetou gozimasu -Happy New Year. It's a little late but you can save it for next year.


jen said...

The socks were 150 CM long... not M!!!!!!!!!! lol

Elizabeth said...

Ah, thanks...I'll correct that right now! Be funny if they were