Friday, April 27, 2007

Insights from Taylor

These are two quotes that stood out to me while reading Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secrets:

Come unto me and drink. Not, come and take a hasty draught; not, come and slightly alleviate; not come and slightly alleviate, or for a short time remove one’s thirst. No! "drink" or "be drinking" constantly, habitually. The cause of thirst may be irremediable. One coming, one drinking may refresh and comfort: but we are to be ever coming, ever drinking. No fear of emptying the fountain or exhausting the river!
-Hudson Taylor from a June Letter

One I used to try to think very much and very often about Jesus, but I often forgot Him. Now I trust Jesus to keep my heart remembering Him, and He does so.
-Hudson Taylor

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Sitting in front of my computer typing away makes China and the rest of the world seem so far way. I believe, I know, God is at work around the world but I feel disconnected from what is happening. It's hard to believe that two years ago I was at small rural high school in China’s Sichuan province. The experience was amazing and I was blessed by it. Today I choose to share some pictures and remember where I was:

If you think of it, pray for Fran Strong, the organize of my trip, is currently in China on his fifth visit.

Four Thousand Words

New Friends
My English is horrible, what if I've messed these students up for life?

The Great Wall

Monday, April 02, 2007

Struggle to Pray

Jesus to the Nations was exciting yet discouraging at the same time. There were so many organizations and mission fields represented. Hearing the stories of what God was doing was so good but there was such a sense of need and support. Just the number of groups asking for prayer overwhelmed me. The number of groups, people, countries to pray for fills me with dread of failure. My response to the stress is to avoid praying for things, which is horrible and not logical. Does anyone else have that struggle? I get so upset with myself about it too that I want to hide my head in the sand. I guess I can take encouragement from that kid on the beach with the thousand of starfishes…throwing back what he could.

Talking with a rep from…I don’t even remember what group she was from, the subject of prayer came up. It was good for me to hear her say that in the face of all these noble organizations it is important to prayerfully select the one or two. Shortly after that I was visiting the OMS table and saw a 30-day prayer guide for China. I think I can do 30 days…baby steps, starting today. Today’s focus is:

The Resurrection of the Church*. In 1949 the number of Protestant believers was less then one million. Today there are about 50,000 churches and groups legally meetings as well as countless house churches. The number of registered, adult Protestants is nearing 20 million. Almost everyday a new church opens. Praise God for his hand on the Chinese church and China’s recent history. Praise God for the faithful Chinese believers and for there costly witness. May God continue to pour out blessing on the Chinese.

*From the OMS publication Pray for China by Tony Lambert

Sunday, April 01, 2007

April is Here

I think I slept through most of March, I blinked and it was over. With the new month comes a new book and a new country focus. The book is less about missions and more a focus on Hudson Taylor’s life. I finished it last month after a good friend suggested I read it. I totally agree with her that it is worth reading.

Last weekend made to Halifax’s 8th annual Jesus to the Nations convention. The two speakers were great. Both had a good balance of humor, insight, and challenging. I’ve been reflecting on the services and sessions throughout the week. Once I’ve processed I will share. Only downsize was there was three book tables and I bought more then I should have.