Sunday, February 05, 2006

Sunday Joys

God's been encouraging me today.

-I woke up and He was the first thing on my mind.

-Felt His presence as I gave the message in our morning Bible Study/Fellowship. The messages was God speaking to me as He was speaking through me.

-Connected with my friend Maki, we're going to go somewhere tomorrow and do something (that's all the details she gave me).

-I am starting to remember the youths names! This is huge it's only taken six months. The pictures are a few of the faces who come out Sunday nights. I'm not going to attempt to spell any ones name.

-There was a new teen at our Sunday night youth group, Natsumi, who is one of my jr. high students.

-God is good!


Xaven said...

That's awesome, Friend. Looks like you're having a lot of fun! Take care!

matthew said...

thanks for sharing the good news :)

God blesses