Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Tonight’s Special is...

Okuwa, the local supermarket has a section of already prepared suppers. Not that different than a North American store having roast chicken, fried chicken, sandwiches. The foods available here are salads, sushi, and tenpura. Tenpura? It is a group of fried food clumped together; similar to french-fries but different. Seems almost anything can become tenpura fish, shrimp, peas, onions, carrots…the list goes on.

I was feeling courageous so I decided to try a nice veggie looking tenpura. Sounded like a good supper food. Oh was I in for a surprise. My first few bites it was what I expected. There was corn, carrots, potatoes, and onions. It was an interesting combination. Then my next bite I was chewing on white rubber. This was no veggie tenpura. It was veggie and squid. Mmmm –squid. Eating when you can’t understand the labels is always an adventure!

Word Up: Ika -squid


Anonymous said...

But... I like squid. I mean, ika. It's tasty!

Xaven said...

Friend, I tried squid... I just couldn't hack it

Elizabeth said...

I normally like squid, but in tenpura it was...hard to swallow

Anonymous said...

i love you Liz!! I miss you. Sounds like Japan is a lot of fun. I may go there and teach english as well. I graduate in the spring....then...I'm taking the master's program for a year. Then...possibly I can go do it. Pray for me. I pray for u.
deana beers