Thursday, October 06, 2005

Nothing is Sound

Monday (Oct 3) Steve, Tiffany, and I set out to explore Namba. Felt good making our way on the train without help. While in Namba we found Tower Records. Where I picked up the new Switchfoot CD "Nothing is Sound". Learned later that it had just been released in Japan that day. That night I was checking out the band’s website. Then to my surprise they were coming to Japan! Not just Japan but Osaka. Then I noticed the dates Oct 6th –they would be here in four days!

Going to the show seemed impossible, so many complications and details. It was a joy watching it all work out. Yuki (a student from my Wednesday ladies class) agreed to go with me. I had to ride the train to Namba by myself to meet her. I was so scared I would get on the wrong line or get off at the wrong station. Everything went fine, we arrived that the hotel ten min before Switchfoot walked on stage. The show was great. I found it such an encouragement. The song "On Fire" was more then the show, more then what was going on. It was worship for me.

For me the best part of the evening was the journey back. Yuki and I stopped at McDonald’s for something to eat. We talked about the show, things we like, movies, life. She asked me about Christianity. It was wonderful. A great night!

Word Up: Konbanwa –Good night

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