Saturday, September 24, 2005

Anpanman is my hero!

Animes interest me. As a kid I loved watching Astroboy. Since coming to Japan I have learned of another anime hero –Anpanman, translated it means "bread man". Yeah for the bread man! I had the opportunity to meet Anpanman (who was a lot thinner then the cartoon pictures). It was sweet.

But I admit when I was first told about this hero I was afraid. He is a man with a bread head that can go old, stale, and moldy. When this happens Anpanman returns to the baker who makes him a new head. The thing that really scared me was that when one of his friends is hurt or need energy he rips a piece of his head off for them to eat –scary!

Two things have helped me over come my Anpanman-fears. 1) He is loved by preschoolers. If the three-year-olds aren’t afraid why should I be? 2) He is really a Christ-like figure. Jesus told us he was the bread of life and that we are to eat him. Anpanman is bread, people eat him.

Word Up: Pan –bread

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