Friday, August 26, 2005


Everyone has fear. Some fears are little some are debilitating. We can fear anything really snakes, spiders, small spaces, peanut butter sticking to the roof of our mouth. I admit I have many fears (of different degrees) one such fear is –bicycles.

Yes, I fear bikes. It is not a gripping fear that would make me seat in a corner and rocker or run away screaming at the sight of a bike. It is when I have to ride one that anxiety sets in. I get nervous and the tires/steering starts to wobble. The more the bike wobbles the more nervous creating one vicious cycle of wobbles and fear.

Not really a problem in Canada but bicycling is suppose to be my primary mode of transportation while in Japan. I even have a very stylish orange bike with a bell and a basket, yet I am too afraid to ride it anywhere. So I walk. I will be in very good shape by the time I return to Canada.

Word Up: Watashi wa –I am. As in: watashi wa Kanada-jin desu meaning I am Canadian.

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