Thursday, August 18, 2005

Culture Shock at the Grocery Store

Living in Japan is definitely different then Canada. One of the more extreme moments of "Toto we’re not in Kansas anymore" (a.k.a. culture shock) come upon me during my first shopping experience –alone! I needed food. I had been to Okuwa, a supermarket here. But wanted to try a store that I heard was a bit cheaper. Yet no one was available to go with me. I was in an adventurous mood so I set out alone (forgetting my Japanese-English dictionary at home).

The store overwhelmed me! Not being able to read labels was so frustrating. I couldn’t tell what was in most packages; the labels were no help. Even if I found something I knew what it was I couldn’t read the instructions on the back for how to prepare. And then the frozen octopus and squid did not help things. I walked up and down the aisle becoming more and more stressed. I need food for supper but not that moment it looked like I would be fasting for the next year. Up and down the rows of food I went will my empty basket till I noticed that I was crying. Yes, I was in tears!

In the ended I bought frozen corn, yogurt, bread, butter (I had jam and peanut butter at home) and Canadian Ginger Ale (which I got just because it said Canadian on it and made me feel safe, like a comfort blanket). Since that disaster grocery shopping has become much easier. No more tears have been shed. Kayoko has been very helpful in showing me what different foods are and how to prepare, plus the characters for pork, beef, and chicken (which at this moment I totally forget).

Word Up: Kanada-jin -Canadian

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